Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Straight. The labels describe who attracts you romantically and sexually. This is something that can change over time, but may not. Sexual orientation is not something that can be changed, it is not a choice. Some individuals may have a hard time understanding or accepting their sexual orientation. Understanding […]

Those who go through a traumatic experience, such as war, mass shootings, crashes or natural disasters, may have survivor’s guilt. These individuals may have thoughts that had they done something different, others would have survived. Some may also wonder why they were spared while others were not. Survivors have gone through events that many may […]

You feel it coming on… tunnel vision, sweating, heart racing, and feeling like you are unable to breathe. You need to get away from where you are at that moment, to somewhere different, to do something different, but you are stuck – at work, school, with people, trying to pretend that nothing is happening. Finally, […]